2 min read

What life and pudding have in common?

What life and pudding have in common?
Photo by Taylor Kiser / Unsplash

One day when I was a young child, maybe around 8 or 9, I decided that it was time to make a huge investment...I was going to buy pudding. After much thought about this investment that will consume half of my budget of $1.20, I made up my mind and moved forward.

I am walking to the store alone, it is dark, and there are a few stars up, I see the noisy city from the hill where I am standing, and I see the shop lights at the end of the dark road. On the way, I think hard about an irreversible decision that requires full commitment...what flavor of pudding to buy?

Now I am alone in the living room, the curtains behind me are moving with the summer cool summer evening breeze as I cross my legs on the couch. The TV is off, the lights are dim, and everything is set for me to focus on the pudding. Nothing can disturb me now.

There are two types of people, those who choose a large spoon to eat the pudding, and those who choose a small spoon. And while this might sound like a small choice,  I claimed -at the age of 9 - that it reflects two different philosophies of approaching the world.

I grab a small spoon and eat the pudding slowly. "Why am I closing my eyes when eating?" I think to myself, "I don't know, but whatever makes it taste better"

I think what my younger self was thinking was that:

  • Pudding is finite, and I didn't want to waste a single drop of experience
  • Choosing which experience (flavor) is hard, and requires deliberate thought.
  • I wanted to be present in the experience, not rushed and distracted.
Well, I think that life on earth is not much different...a finite experience, that I don't want to waste a single drop of (being resentful or distracted) and choosing a life experience (career) is hard and needs thinking and is not immediately obvious for many of us.

I scoop the last bit of pudding from the cup...I wanted it all, and I demand the same attitude from myself now...scoop the pudding out of life.

Things I Love ❤️

🎵Song: Carry Me Away - John Mayer

"I'm such a bore - I'm such a bummer
There must be more - behind the summer
I want someone - to make some trouble
Been way too safe - inside my bubble, oh
Take me out and keep me up all night
Let me live on the wilder side of the light...
Carry me away"

Literally the pudding I bought